South Africa requires more science and engineering graduates to effectively address the country’s need for scarce skills. Achieving the goals of the National Development Plan depends on these professionals. SANSA provides postgraduate degree bursaries to support the national target of qualified postgraduates in science and engineering.

Course Overview

SANSA Postgraduate Bursaries are designed to financially support students pursuing honours, master’s, and doctoral degrees in fields related to science and engineering. These bursaries aim to help South Africa achieve its National Development Plan goals by increasing the number of skilled professionals in key industries.

Bursary Criteria

The selection process for the SANSA bursary focuses on the following key criteria:

Important notes:

Funding Structure

Note: Masters and Doctoral students must reapply annually to continue receiving funding.

Applicants may not hold multiple bursaries that exceed the amounts stated above. However, SANSA may provide a top-up bursary if the applicant has a smaller bursary and meets the criteria.

Renewal and Progress Requirements

Continued funding is not guaranteed and will depend on satisfactory progress in the previous academic year.

Apply Now

The 2025 bursary applications are open, and the deadline for submission is 30 September 2024. Ensure that you submit your completed application and all required documents before this date. Click Here to Apply

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