EduCourse Common Questions

Below are frequently asked questions grouped by category. Click on a question to view the answer.


You can take any course for free by following these steps to enrol:

  1. Register or Log in to your account.
  2. Browse our courses and select a course.
  3. Choose “Take this Course” and complete your free order during checkout (no card information required).
  4. After placing your order, you will be directed back to the selected course page, where you can start studying.

Once your progress bar says “Completed,” you can download your certificate.

  1. Go to the Find Jobs page.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click the link to view detailed job posts.
  3. Submit your CV at the bottom of the job post.


  1. Go to Certificate Awards.
  2. Find your Award Message and choose Free Certificate.
  3. Complete the quick review for your course experience on EduCourse.
  4. Choose Download Certificate to generate a unique registration number.
  5. View or download your certificate.


To reset your password:

  1. Go to the login page and choose Forgotten Password.
  2. Enter your email address to receive reset instructions.
  1. Go to Update Student Information.
  2. Update the I.D Number field only.
  3. Save your changes and download your certificate (limited to 3 updates).
  1. Go to your account options and select Upload Student Photo.
  2. Upload your photo and save the settings.
  3. Download your certificate.
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