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KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Expires: No expiry date
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Location: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Salary: Market Related
Job Type: Permanent
Company Name: KwaZulu Natal Department of Health

Peer Educator Vacancies. The KwaZulu Natal Department of Health invites suitably qualified applicants to apply for their Peer Educator Vacancies (X300 Posts). The closing date for applications is the 27th October 2023


  • A Grade 12 Certificate is essential
  • PLUS Any certified HIV counselling course


  • Ideally, experience in facilitating group sessions
  • PLUS Living positively and openly with HIV and having disclosed HIV status to at least one person will be an added advantage
  • PLUS a health-related diploma will be advantageous


  • The role of a Peer Educator is to provide Peer education and psychosocial support to adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) aged between 15 and 24 years, and their partners, parents and families, to reduce HIV incidence as well as HIV-related mortality and morbidity among youth.
  • The incumbents will also promote positive health-seeking behaviours and uptake of SRH and MNCWH services, facilitate referrals, and link AGYW to facility-based clinical services as well as psychosocial services as needed
  • Being based at the facility, the Peer Educator will conduct mapping of community services in the catchment area, conduct targeted household visits focusing on AGYW, and provide education and psychosocial support to AGYW, their partners, parents and families (with consent) to reduce HIV incidence and promote uptake of SRH and MNCWH services
  • The appointees will create an enabling environment for AGYW to engage and improve access to health services through the establishment and facilitation of youth clubs, parenting sessions in the community including establishment of ‘youth corners’, and facilitation of young mothers’ clubs at the facility, as well as referrals and linkages to social and healthcare services
  • Fluency in spoken and written IsiZulu and English
  • Strong numeracy skills
  • Ability to listen and empathise
  • Aged between 18 and 30 years, and out of school
  • Living within walking distance to the health facility.


Client service delivery:

  • Conduct group health talks at the facility promoting awareness and uptake of SRHR, MNCH/PMTCT services
  • Establish youth corners in health facilities to create an enabling environment for youth engagement
  • Establish child-friendly spaces in the facilities in collaboration with other stakeholders
  • Assist in follow-up of teenagers and youth to ensure that psychological care is offered and delivered
  • Conduct one-on-one interactions with AGYW and their partners, providing education and psychosocial support on individual health-related issues and linking them to care and support as required
  • Establish and facilitate support groups and clubs for young mothers at the health facilities or suitable spaces in the community
  • Recruit and enrol AGYW in the project
  • Using referral slips to refer and link AGYW to youth clubs and other relevant services as required
  • Conduct active client follow-up of clients who miss key appointments
  • Liaise with other stakeholders to facilitate integration of mother-to-mother services at the facility


  • Educate household members on post-natal care for both mother and baby
  • Conduct individual peer-support sessions with AGYM in the households
  • Conduct education sessions with parents and guardians on parenting skills at household level to create a conducive environment for parent−adolescent engagement
  • Educate young mothers on the Road-to-Health Booklet so that they understand its importance and interpretation
  • Recruit and enrol AGYW in the project
  • Use referral slips to refer and link AGYW and their partners and parents to relevant services
  • Conduct follow-up of clients who have missed appointments
  • Conduct age-appropriate child stimulation-related activities to children from birth to two years of age
  • Distribute condoms and relevant client education materials.


  • Conduct group education sessions in the community
  • Conduct mapping of services in the catchment area
  • Establish and facilitate young mothers’ clubs
  • Establish and facilitate parenting sessions
  • Identify, refer and track clients from community to facility and vice versa
  • Collaborate with other stakeholders to participate in community awareness campaigns, community dialogues and community meetings as required
  • Participate in community meetings to ensure co-ordination, collaboration and integration of peer mentor services in the community
  • Facilitate play-group sessions in the community and/or at ECD centres in the community.

General duties:

  • Document all services provided in the health facility, community and household using paper-based and electronic client management tools, as per programme procedures
  • Utilise information from client management tools to provide tailored support during client sessions


  • Document lessons learnt during service delivery
  • Collect and document data on a daily and monthly basis and submit reports to the Facility Manager
  • Duly complete all data collection tools as per project specifications
  • Participate in training and capacity-building/mentorship activities to improve programme service quality
  • Participate in health facility and partner meetings to generate opportunities for learning


Applications must be submitted using the New Z83 application form obtainable here

All fields in the New Z83 form, must be completed and signed. Furthermore, a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV) must also be attached. Failure to attach the completed Z83 and the Curriculum Vitae (CV) will result in disqualification.

All applications should be forwarded to:

The Chief Director: Human Resource Management Services, KZN Department of Health Private Bag X9051 Pietermaritzburg 3200

OR Hand Deliver to: 330 Langalibalele Street, Natalia Building, REGISTRY, Minus 1:1 North Tower





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