8.2 Electronic Filing Techniques

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8. Filing and Maintaining Documents and Records Online Receptionist Certificate Course Introduction
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Electronic filing can be useful if your organization has employees in different locations outside of the office, or if your employees need to access files when they are traveling or in different time zones. Some simple document filing and storage methods include: Google Docs, Dropbox, and backup systems like MozyPro and Carbonite. You can place electronic copies of your files in these systems and have them backed up to prevent their loss. You can also grant access to files so that they can be edited as needed.

The key to efficiently utilize electronic filing systems includes:

Having consistent filenames. When everyone in a firm uses the same file naming convention, it is easier to locate needed files. Created directories and subdirectories additionally, it can be useful to have folders for specific file types as well as subfolders to further organize the files. Additionally, various departments may desire larger file folders in which to locate specific documents. Increasing the storage space on a regular basis. Due to the fact that electronic storage systems only have as much capacity as you order, you will need to check the system’s storage limits to guarantee that additional space is accessible. The sole drawback of electronic filing systems is that it might be simple to include all documents, even those that are unnecessary. When this appears to be the case, it can be helpful to store personal papers on your computer’s hard drive. By storing frequently used files on your hard drive, you can easily access them, and anyone who assumes your function may also locate them.

How to Establish an Effective File System

A set of rules characterizes an effective filing system:

  • Create file names, folders, and subfolders with clarity.
  • Learn how individuals search for files.
  • Prioritize the most important files.
  • Ensure the confidentiality of files.

As stated previously, when file names are consistent, it is evident what kind of files are being filed and where they can be found. It can also be beneficial to understand how people search for files while doing so alone. Ask the individuals and departments you assist for advice on how to effectively organize their files. Because certain files, such as customer-related files, must be easily accessible at all times, ensure that these files can be filed in a way that makes them readily accessible at all times. Even though security does not sound like an efficient process, if you are searching for a file and it suddenly disappears, it can slow down your work process. Determine how to back up the system’s files and how to restrict access to only those with the appropriate permissions. Password-protected files and folders can be beneficial in this regard.


The establishment of an efficient filing system can facilitate the streamlining of daily operations and satisfy the needs of employees and consumers. When someone needs a file, they know where to look for it.